This form of cancer is both treatable and curable. Is one of your testicles enlarged, or swollen? Is it painful? If a tumor is suspected, you should schedule an appointment with a urologist to confirm or rule out testicular cancer as a possibility.
Testicular cancer is a rare cancer, comprising only 1% of all cancers, and can affect a male of any age but is the most common form of cancer in men 15 to 40 years old. It is very treatable and shows itself on examination as a firm lump or mass, usually in one testicle.
Symptoms of testicular cancer are:
The urologists at AUCNY may diagnose this cancer from non-cancerous conditions which may give similar symptoms using some of the following:
Risk factors include:
Diagnostic testing by AUCNY urologist may include:
Testicular cancer is both treatable and curable. Based upon your diagnostic test results, your AUCNY doctor will recommend the most appropriate course of care for you.
Treatment choices of the AUCNY urologist include:
There is no known method of prevention other than early detection involving frequent self-examination.state-of-the-art